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Reflections on Scripture || Who Is My Neighbour? (Luke 10:25-37)

Who Is My Neighbour? - A Reflection on Luke 10:25-37

Who Is My Neighbour?

A Reflection on Luke 10:25-37

It’s always a dangerous thing to ask a question. How we ask it, and who we ask it of, makes all the difference. When it comes to the Gospels, asking a question of Jesus can lead you down a road you didn’t expect—and that’s exactly what happens in Luke 10:25-37.

This passage begins with a question posed by an expert in the law:

"Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

Jesus, in His usual fashion, doesn’t answer directly. Instead, He responds with a question of His own, turning it back on the expert:

"What is written in the law? How do you read it?"

The expert, knowing the law well, responds with the words from Deuteronomy:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbour as yourself."

But the conversation doesn’t end there. Seeking to justify himself, the expert asks another question:

"Who is my neighbour?"

And in response, Jesus tells a story that has become one of the most famous in all of Scripture—the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

The Road to Jericho: A Dangerous Journey

Jesus begins the story by describing a man travelling from Jerusalem to Jericho, a notoriously treacherous road known for its danger. Along the way, the man is attacked by robbers, stripped of his clothing, beaten, and left half-dead on the side of the road.

What happens next is shocking—especially for the original listeners of this story. A priest comes along, sees the man in need, and crosses to the other side of the road, avoiding him altogether. A Levite does the same thing. Both religious figures, who should have been the first to help, pass by without lifting a finger.

It’s an uncomfortable image, isn’t it? Religious leaders, people held in high esteem in society, walking past someone in desperate need. Their outward observance of the law meant nothing when it came to showing love and compassion. As I reflected on this, I couldn’t help but think how easy it is for us to fall into the same trap today. We can go through all the right motions, but if our hearts aren’t moved with compassion for others, we’ve missed the point.

The Unexpected Hero: A Scandalous Compassion

Then comes the twist in the story: a Samaritan comes down the road. To say this was unexpected is an understatement. Jews and Samaritans had a long history of animosity. The Samaritan was the last person anyone listening to Jesus would have expected to be the hero of this story.

And yet, it is the Samaritan who stops. He sees the wounded man and has compassion on him. He bandages the man’s wounds, pours oil and wine on them, places him on his own donkey, and brings him to an inn to take care of him. He even goes as far as paying for the man’s continued care, promising to return and cover any additional expenses.

This Samaritan—a figure who would have been despised and rejected by many of the people listening—becomes the embodiment of Christ-like love and mercy. His actions go above and beyond what anyone would have expected, and in doing so, he shows what it really means to love one’s neighbour.

A Call to Action: Go and Do Likewise

At the end of the story, Jesus turns to the expert in the law and asks him a simple question:

"Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"

The expert replies, "The one who had mercy on him." Notice that he doesn’t even say "the Samaritan." And Jesus, in His final words on the matter, gives a command:

"Go and do likewise."

This is where the real challenge lies. It’s not enough to just know the right answers. It’s not enough to just follow the religious rules. What Jesus calls us to is a radical, active love—one that breaks down barriers, crosses the road to meet those in need, and extends mercy even to those we might consider our enemies.

What Does This Mean for Us?

As I reflected on this story, I was struck by how easily we can fall into the mindset of the priest or the Levite. We can be so caught up in our own lives, our own religious practices, that we forget the heart of what it means to follow Christ: loving God with everything we have and loving our neighbour as ourselves.

This parable is a reminder that our love for God is inseparable from our love for others. It’s not just about having the right beliefs or following the right rules; it’s about letting God’s love transform our hearts so that we can show that same love to the people around us—especially those who are in need.

And who is our neighbour? The answer is clear: it’s anyone we come across in our daily lives who needs help. There’s no limit to the love we’re called to show, no boundary that we can place on God’s mercy.

Moving Forward: Living Out the Good Samaritan

So, as we go about our lives, the challenge for us is to “go and do likewise.” To be people of compassion, mercy, and love in a world that desperately needs it. Whether that’s through small acts of kindness, showing up for a friend in need, or helping a stranger, we are called to embody the love of Christ in every aspect of our lives.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan isn’t just a nice story—it’s a call to action. A call to love our neighbour, not just in word, but in deed.

So, who is your neighbour? And how will you show them the love of Christ today?


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