Seeds and the Saviour | Mark 4:1-20 | Sermon Podcast We invite you to listen to this week's sermon titled "Seeds and the Saviour," where Rev. Andrew Irwin reflects on the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4:1-20. Using personal stories and vivid imagery from his childhood on the family farm, Andrew explores how the condition of the soil reflects our own hearts and our readiness to receive God's Word. The parable reminds us that while the seed, the Word of God, remains the same, it is the soil that determines the fruitfulness of the seed. Are we allowing God's Word to take root in the soil of our hearts and produce fruit that lasts? In this message, we learn about the different types of soil Jesus describes: the hard path, rocky ground, thorny ground, and the good soil. Each represents a different response to the Gospel, challenging us to examine our own hearts. Are we ready to receive the seed of God’s Word and allow it to bear fru...
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