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Showing posts from September, 2024

SPB Podcast || Psalm 142: The God Who Understands

Psalm 142: The God Who Understands Psalm 142: The God Who Understands On Sunday, 8th September 2024, the focus of our worship was on Psalm 142. This psalm, written by King David, speaks to moments of despair and isolation, offering an insight into where we might turn during our darkest times. It is a prayer for refuge, capturing David’s heartache as he sought the Lord’s presence while hiding in a cave, pursued by his enemies. We all face moments when life presents challenges that shake the normal rhythms we are used to. Whether it’s the unexpected or a difficult situation that has been long anticipated, we often find ourselves wondering where to turn. David’s response in Psalm 142 offers an answer – to turn to the Lord in prayer, honestly pouring out our hearts, knowing that He is always listening and always near. The sermon highlighted that prayer is not about formality or perfection. Instead, it’s about being genuine, sharin

Volunteer for Aspire NI's Homework Club at Currie Primary School

Volunteer for Aspire NI's Homework Club at Currie Primary School Join Us in Serving Our Community: Support Aspire NI's Homework Club at Currie Primary School At St. Paul’s & St. Barnabas Church (SPB), we are called to serve our community in meaningful and transformative ways. This calling is grounded in Scripture, where we are reminded that “each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10). One of the most urgent needs in our local community is supporting the educational journey of young people, and we are excited to be supporting the work of Aspire NI and their Homework Club at Currie Primary School in North Belfast. The Educational Challenge in North Belfast North Belfast, like many urban areas, faces significant challenges in