One Messiah, One Mission – SPB Sermons One Messiah, One Mission – Luke 4:21-30 Words have power. They shape how we think, what we believe, and ultimately how we live. In *Luke 4:21-30*, Jesus speaks words that at first amaze His listeners, but then cut so deeply that they turn to rage. Standing in the synagogue of His hometown, He reads from Isaiah and declares, *“Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”* It was a moment of revelation—the long-awaited Messiah was standing before them. But rather than embracing Him, they resisted. Rather than rejoicing, they rejected. Why? At first, the people of Nazareth marvel at Jesus' words, captivated by the idea that the Messiah might be among them. But their amazement quickly turns to offence when Jesus challenges their expectations. They wanted a Messiah who fit their mould, who would serve their vision of salvation. Instead, Jesus makes it clear that His m...
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