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SPB Sermons || The Servant's Way - Mark 10:32-45 || Andrew Irwin

The Servant's Way - Mark 10:32-4 5 The Servant’s Way – Mark 10:32-45 In our latest podcast episode, the SPB team dives into Mark 10:32-45, a passage where Jesus once again predicts His death, this time as He and His disciples journey toward Jerusalem. This moment marks a key point in Jesus’ ministry as He prepares His followers for the road ahead—one filled with suffering and sacrifice. The disciples, however, struggle to grasp the reality of what He is telling them, revealing their misunderstanding of what it means to follow the Messiah. In this episode, we explore how Jesus uses this teaching moment to contrast the world’s understanding of greatness with the true nature of His kingdom. While the world measures greatness by power and authority, Jesus teaches that the greatest among us must be the servant of all. It’s a radical shift in thinking,
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