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Don't forget the Belfast City marathon! See you Sunday

Come Worship with Us Tomorrow Morning! Come Worship with Us Tomorrow Morning! We're excited to invite you to join us for worship tomorrow morning at St. Paul's & St. Barnabas Church. Our service starts at 10:30 AM and we'll be diving into Acts 4:1-22, exploring how the name of Jesus offers hope to the world. Whether you've never been to church before, have questions about the Christian faith, or are searching for a church family, you're welcome here! Also, remember that the Belfast City Marathon is happening tomorrow, but don't worry, our church isn't on the route. The runners will be passing down Duncairn Gardens and onto North Queen Street, heading back into the city centre, so if you're not taking part, why not join us for worship instead? Take a break from the
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Preaching Ministry || John 10:1-21 || The Goodness of the Shepherd || Rev Andrew Irwin

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